To Munio

For showing the way...


I am indebted to more people than I can begin to thank for their help with this project. To the Feuermann family--Eva Feuermann Lehnsen, Sophie Feuermann and Marika Hughes, I am deeply grateful. For their gracious hospitality and time in the interviews, Sophie Feuermann, Bernard Greenhouse, Suzette Forgues, Mosa Havivi, Zara Nelsova and David Soyer. For valuable advice and assistance, Annette Morreau and Jon Samuels. For patiently learning more about cello techniqaue than anyk reasonable person ought to know, Richard F. French. And for constant encouragement, and for listening to my endless babbling about Feuermann and Heifetz for all these years, thank you Shu-Ching, Ruth, Harvey, Aaron, Adele, Gil and all the rest who have made it worthwhile.

Brinton Smith
November 1997